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HP Scanjet Scanners - Scanner Front Panel Buttons Do Not Work in Windows XP


When attempting to scan in Microsoft Windows XP using the buttons on the front panel of the HP Scanjet scanner, the application does not open and the scanner does not scan. The scanner carriage moves half the length of the glass and stops.

Solution 1

Set the button events to open the appropriate program.
  1. Click Start, then Control Panel. The Control Panel opens.
  2. Double-click the Scanners and Cameras icon. The Scanners and Cameras window opens.
  3. Right-click the scanner in use and then click Properties. The scanner properties window opens.
    If the error the properties for this device are not available displays and the scanner properties window does not open, right-click the scanner in the Scanners and Camera window, and then click Delete. Restart the computer system, allowing the scanner to plug and play before attempting to access the scanner properties window again.
  4. Click the Events tab. If the Events tab is not available, refer to Solution 2.
  5. In the Select an Event drop-down box, click a button event to highlight it.
  6. In the Action section, click Start this program and then click the appropriate program for the button to start from the drop-down list.
    For scanners that use HP Photo and Imaging software, the following list is typical of the options. The available buttons will vary by scanner.
    • Scan Button press = HP Scanning Software
    • Email Button press = Email
    • Copy Button press = HP Copying
    • Memories Disc Creator Button press = HP Memories Disc creator
    • Share to Web button press = HP Share to Web
    For scanners that use HP PrecisionScan software, the following list is typical of the options. The available buttons will vary by scanner.
    • Scanning Software Button = HP Precision Scan
    • Copy Button = HP Scanjet Copy Utility
    • Email Button = Email
    • Edit Text Button = Edit Text
    • Fax Button = Fax
    • File Button = File
    • More Options Button = More Options
  7. Repeat Steps 5 and 6. Click Apply after configuring each button.
  8. Close all open windows and try scanning with the buttons again. If the selected application does not launch, refer to Solution 2.

Solution 2

Download and install the button handler update for use in Windows XP.
Read the entire instructions in Solution 2 carefully before following the link in Step 1 to find the correct update for the scanner in use.
  1. In the I want to: section, select download drivers and software, type the model of the scanner in use in the For: box, and then click the double arrows to advance to the next page.
  2. Click Windows XP. A Software and Drivers download page opens.
  3. Find and double-click the button handler update to go to the download page.
  4. Click Download Now. A download window opens.
  5. Click Save. The software begins downloading to the selected location. Make a note of the location of the folder and the file name so that it can be found after downloading.
  6. Navigate to the location where the file was saved during the download and double-click it. The installation program starts.
  7. Follow the instructions on the computer screen to complete the installation of the Windows XP button handler update software.

Solution 3

Verify that Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) service and Terminal Services are running; this requires administrative privileges.
  1. Click Start, then Control Panel. The Control Panel opens.
  2. Double-click Administrative Tools. The Administrative Tools window opens.
  3. Double-click Services. The Services window opens.
  4. In the list of available services, find and double-click Terminal Services. The Terminal Services window opens.
  5. Set Startup Type to Automatic.
  6. Ensure that Service status reads “Started.” If it does not, click the Start button.
  7. Click Apply, then OK. The Terminal Services window closes and returns to the open Services window.
  8. In the list of available services, find and double-click Window Image Acquisition.
  9. Repeat steps 5-7 to properly configure the WIA service. When completed, close all open windows and restart the computer system.

Solution 4

Uninstall all of the HP scanning software and then reinstall it. After the HP Scanning software has been reinstalled, follow the steps in Solution 1 to configure the buttons.

Uninstalling the HP scanning software

  1. Click Start, then Control Panel. The Control Panel opens.
  2. Double-click Add/Remove Programs. The Add/Remove Programs window opens.
  3. Locate and highlight the HP scanning software and then click Remove. An uninstall window opens.
  4. Follow the onscreen instructions to remove the HP scanning software.
  5. Repeat Steps 1-4 to remove all HP scanning software.
  6. Disconnect the HP Scanjet scanner and then restart the computer system.

Installing the HP scanning software

  1. Insert the HP Scanning software CD into the CD-ROM drive.
    • If the CD auto runs, follow the onscreen instructions to install the HP scanning software and then skip to Step 5 below.
    • If the CD does not auto run, go to Step 2.
  2. Click Start, then Run. The Run window opens.
  3. Click Browse, then browse to the CD-ROM drive.
  4. Double-click Setup.exe, then click OK. Follow the onscreen instructions to install the scanning software.
  5. After the software has been installed, restart the computer system with the HP Scanjet scanner attached.
  6. Follow the steps in Solution 1 to configure the buttons correctly and try scanning using the buttons on the scanner.