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HP Designjet Printers - How to Install the HP Designjet Print Driver (Windows 10)

This document is for HP Designjets on Windows 10.
This document provides download and installation instructions through the Add a Printer Wizard for a network printer using drivers provided by HP for most Designjet printers installed in Windows 10.

Step 1: Download the driver

The Designjet drivers are available for download on the individual printer pages from Support & Drivers.
The steps in this document are for the driver package that contain the INF file and necessary driver files for a manual installation. Typically, the driver package that contains the INF file for minimal installation (driver only installation) is less than 10 MB in size. The full installer program (not covered in these steps) can be 30 MB to 70 MB in size.

Step 2: Extract the driver files

After downloading the driver, follow these steps to extract the files to your computer.
Some driver download files have a .zip file extension and some driver files have an .exe file extension. Follow the appropriate steps below depending on which file extension you download.
Steps for .exe driver file extension drivers:
  1. Locate the .exe file and double click it to extract the files.
  2. A new window displays with a suggested path to extract the files. You can choose to keep this path, or browse to another directory to extract the files. Make sure to remember where you extracted the files.
Steps for .zip driver file extension drivers:
  1. Locate the .zip file and double click it to extract the files.
    A list of the .zip file contents displays in a window. Click Extract, and then click Extract all.
  2. A new window displays with a suggested path to extract the files. You can choose to keep this path, or browse to another directory to extract the files. Make sure to remember where you extracted the files.

Step 3: Install the driver through a network

Install the driver on a new or existing printer through a network.
Before you can add a network printer on your PC, you need the Printer IP address or the Printer hostname (including the full domain information). To obtain the IP address, print a configuration page or locate it using the printer control panel display. For instructions, see the user guide that came with your printer.