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HP LaserJet Enterprise MFP - Resolve Scan Image Quality and Performance Issues

This document describes scan image quality and performance issues and how to resolve them when scanning using an HP LaserJet Enterprise Multifunction Printer (MFP) running a FutureSmart firmware.
You can adjust scan settings from the printer control panel. The options and steps vary according to the type of control panel. Some of the scan settings that you can change from the control panel are default settings. Other settings affect the current job only. HP recommends using the Embedded Web Server (EWS) to configure the default settings on network-connected printers with FutureSmart 3 or FutureSmart 4 control panels.
FutureSmart 3
FutureSmart 4


Resolution and image file size are two features that are related and work together in the following ways:
  • Images with a high resolution produce a better image quality, but will have a large file size.
  • Images with a low resolution produce a poor image quality when the original file size is decreased.
The file size is generally decreased when the following options are set on the printer:
  • Resolution is set to a low value
  • Scan color is set to Black
  • High Compression is enabled
The image quality is generally increased when the following options are set on the printer:
  • Resolution is set to a high value
  • Scan color is set to Color or Black/Gray
  • High Compression is enabled
If the scanned output has a poor image quality or takes a long processing time, use the following sections to troubleshoot these issues:

Troubleshoot long scan processing time or slow output

Follow these steps to resolve issues related to the slow output or long scan processing time:
FutureSmart 3
  1. From the Home screen on the printer control panel, scroll to and select the Administration menu, and then select Scan/Digital Send Settings.
  2. Select a scan category and then select the Default Job Options to configure the settings.
  3. Select the Color/Black setting.
  4. Select either the Color or the Black/Gray option, and then select the Save button.
    Selecting the Black option uses 1-Bit images which require a long scan processing time.
    If the Color setting is set to Black, make sure to select the Photograph option in the Optimize Text/Picture setting.
    Figure : Options in the Color/Black setting
  5. Select the Resolution setting.
  6. Select a low resolution value to retain an acceptable image quality, and then select the Save button.
    An image with a high resolution creates a large file size and increases the scan processing time.
  7. Select a Document File Type setting, and then select the File Options button.
    Make sure not to select an OCR file type because this file type requires a significant processing time.
    Do Not enable advanced features such as Erase Edges, Cropping Options, Blank Page Suppression, or Auto Orientation.
  8. Select to clear the High Compression option, and then select the OK button.
    If the High Compression option is enabled for HP printer models released prior to Spring 2012, the scan processing time will take a long time.
    High Compression is an advanced multi-layer compression technology available in PDF or XPS file types for color or grayscale settings.
FutureSmart 4
  1. From the Home screen on the printer control panel, select Scan, select a scan category, and then select Options.
  2. Make sure that the following options are not enabled: Erase Edges, Cropping Options, Blank Page Suppression.
  3. Select the Color/Black setting.
  4. Select either the Color or the Black/Gray option.
    The Black option uses 1-Bit images which require a long scan processing time. If you need to set the Color setting to Black, make sure to select the Photograph option in the Optimize Text/Picture setting.
  5. Select the File Type and Resolution setting, and then select the type of file.
    Make sure not to select an OCR file type because this file type is for text recognition and requires significant processing time.
  6. Select a low resolution value to retain an acceptable image quality, and clear the High Compression check box if it is selected.
    An image with a high resolution creates a large file size and increases the scan processing time.
    High Compression is an advanced multi-layer compression technology available in PDF or XPS file types for color or grayscale settings. If the High Compression option is enabled for HP printer models released prior to Spring 2012, the scan processing time will take a long time.
  7. Select Done.

Troubleshoot poor image quality

Follow these steps to resolve issues related to the poor output quality file when scanning images:
FutureSmart 3
  1. From the Home screen on the printer control panel, scroll to select the Administration menu, and then select the Scan/Digital Send Settings.
  2. Select a scan category and then select the Default Job Options to configure the settings.
  3. Select the Color/Black setting.
  4. Select either the Color or the Black/Gray option, and then select the Save button.
    Selecting the Black option uses 1-Bit images which requires a long scan processing time.
    Figure : Options in the Color/Black setting
  5. Select a Document File Type setting, and then select the File Options button.
    Make sure not to select an OCR file type because this file type requires a significant processing time.
    Do not enable advanced features such as Erase Edges, Cropping Options, Blank Page Suppression, or Auto Orientation.
  6. Select the High Compression option, and then select the OK button.
    If the High Compression option is enabled, the scan processing time will take a long time.
    High Compression is an advanced multi-layer compression technology available in PDF or XPS file types for color or grayscale settings.
    Figure : High Compression option in the File Options setting
  7. Select the Resolution setting.
  8. Select a high resolution value, and then select the Save button.
    If the scan color is set to Black, select the 200 dpi or 300 dpi value option.
    An image with a high resolution creates a large file size and increases the scan processing time.
  9. Select the Output Quality setting, and then select an option.
    For Color or Black/Gray setting, the default file type is JPEG. The output quality option decreases the JPEG file type compression and improves the image quality.
    Figure : Medium option in the Output Quality setting
FutureSmart 4
  1. From the Home screen on the printer control panel, select Scan, select a scan category, and then select Options.
  2. Make sure that the following options are not enabled: Erase Edges, Cropping Options, Blank Page Suppression.
  3. Select the Color/Black setting.
  4. Select either the Color or the Black/Gray option.
    The Black option uses 1-Bit images which require a long scan processing time.
  5. Select the File Type and Resolution setting, and then select the type of file. JPEG and TIFF/MTIFF are the best file types for images. Select JPEG for smaller file size, or select TIFF/MTIFF for highest picture quality.
    Make sure not to select an OCR file type because this file type is for text recognition and requires significant processing time.
  6. Configure the following settings, if available for the selected file type:
    • Resolution: Select a high resolution
    • Quality and File Size: Select High (large file)
    • High Compression (smaller file): Select the check box.
    These settings will increase the scan processing time and produce a larger file size.
  7. Select Done.

Troubleshoot images with large output file size

Follow these steps to resolve issues related to the large output file size when scanning images:
FutureSmart 3
  1. From the Home screen on the printer control panel, scroll to select the Administration menu, and then select the Scan/Digital Send Settings.
  2. Select a scan category and then select the Default Job Options to configure the settings.
  3. Select the Output Quality setting, and then select an option.
    For Color or Black/Gray setting, the default file type is JPEG. The output quality option decreases the JPEG file type compression and improves the image quality.
  4. Select a Document File Type setting, and then select the File Options button.
    Make sure not to select OCR file type because this file type require a significant processing time.
    Do Not enable advanced features such as Erase Edges, Cropping Options, Blank Page Suppression, and Auto Orientation.
  5. Select to check the High Compression option, and then select the OK button.
    If the High Compression option is enabled, the scan processing time will take a long time.
    High Compression is an advanced multi-layer compression technology available in PDF or XPS file types for color or grayscale settings.
    Figure : High Compression option in the File Options setting
  6. Select the Black setting.
    Images scanned in Black color compress the file to a small size, especially when the background is black and the text is in white color.
    Figure : Black option in the Color/Black setting
  7. Select the Optimize Text/ Picture setting.
  8. Select the Text option, and then select the Save button.
    1-Bit Text mode is an industry leading file size mode that uses advanced edge enhancement to produce great text in pictorial content.
  9. Select the Resolution setting.
  10. Select either the 200 dpi or 300 dpi values to increase the scan image quality, and then select the Save button.
    Because reducing the image resolution decreases the file size and quality, it should generally be used as a last resort.
    Most clients have a specific resolution set to match their workflow, and reducing the resolution will most likely have a large impact on the entire workflow.
FutureSmart 4
  1. From the Home screen on the printer control panel, select Scan, select a scan category, and then select Options.
  2. Make sure that the following options are not enabled: Erase Edges, Cropping Options, Blank Page Suppression.
  3. Select the Color/Black setting, and then select one of the following options:.
    • Color: For originals that contain color
    • Black/Gray (grayscale): For originals that contain black, white, and shades of gray
    • Black: For high quality originals that contain only black and white, such as line art, black text on white, or white text on black. Black scanning increases the scan time and compresses the file to smaller size.
  4. Select the File Type and Resolution setting, and then select the type of file. JPEG is the best file type for scanning images to a small file size.
    Make sure not to select an OCR file type because this file type is for text recognition and requires significant processing time.
  5. Configure the following settings, if available for the selected file type:
    • Quality and File Size: Select the Medium or Low option.
    • Resolution: Select a lower resolution. For best results, do not go below 300 dpi.
    • High Compression (smaller file): Select this check box if your are scanning to a PDF or XPS file type.
  6. Select Done.