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HP Consumer Notebook PCs - Ordering HP certified replacement parts

Learn how to find and order HP certified replacement parts using HP Parts Store or PartSurfer.

Over time, you might need to replace one or more of the parts in your notebook computer with HP certified replacement parts. HP certified replacement parts are parts that have been tested extensively to meet HP quality and compatibility standards and are guaranteed to function correctly in your HP computer. The availability of specific parts might vary depending on your particular notebook model.

Order HP certified Parts with HP PartSurfer

You can order HP certified replacement parts for your notebook computer by using the HP PartSurfer. HP PartSurfer has a complete list of parts and can help you find the part you need.

  1. Go to the HP PartSurfer web page.

  2. Select your country or region from the drop-down menu.

  3. In the HP PartSurfer's Quick Search field, type any one of the three identification numbers for your computer: Part Number, Serial Number, or Product Number or Name, and then click Search.


    All of these identification numbers are printed on the Service Tag label that is affixed to the bottom of the notebook. If one of the numbers does not return a listing of parts, enter a different identification number.

    Locating Quick Search
  4. View the list of parts and accessories. Click the checkboxes next to the parts or accessories that you want to purchase to add them to your shopping cart.

    Selecting items
  5. After you select all necessary items, click the shopping cart icon to proceed to checkout.

    Locating the shopping cart icon
  6. Review the items in your shopping cart, make any necessary modifications, and then click Place Order.

    Clicking the Place Order button
  7. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the shipping information and pay for the order.

    The order will be shipped to you along with detailed instructions about how to replace the part yourself. Delivery time depends on the availability of the part and the shipping method. In general, you should receive the part in 5 to 7 business days. HP might also offer other shipping options, if needed.


    You might be asked to return a defective part that is still under warranty so that HP can analyze the part and continue to improve the quality of HP notebook computers.

Order HP certified parts at HP Parts Store

You can order HP certified replacement parts for your notebook computer by shopping at HP Parts Store. The part might be covered under warranty if your HP computer is still under warranty.

  1. Go to the HP Parts Store.

  2. On the HP Parts Store web page, select your region from the tabs, and then click your country.

    Selecting a country and region
  3. In the HP Parts Store, you can type the Product Name, or type anyone of the three identification numbers for your computer: Part Number, Serial Number, or Product Number in the Find your part text box, and then start the search.


    All of these identification numbers are printed on the Service Tag label that is affixed to the bottom of the notebook. If one of the numbers does not return a listing of parts, enter a different identification number.

    Finding your part
  4. Select an item on one of the drop-down menus to search for replacement parts by: Keyword search, Category search, or List all parts for this product.

    Selecting a search method
  5. View the list of parts and accessories. Click the checkboxes next to the listed parts or accessories that you want to purchase. Enter the quantity in the Qty field.

    Selecting an item and entering the quantity
  6. If you are satisfied with the items selected, click Add to cart.

  7. If you selected all of the needed items, click Proceed to checkout to review the items in your shopping cart.

    Locating the Add to cart and Proceed to checkout buttons in the HP Parts Store web page
  8. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the shipping information and pay for the order.

    The order will be shipped to you along with detailed instructions about how to replace the part yourself. Delivery time depends on the availability of the part and the shipping method. In general, you should receive the part in 5 to 7 business days. HP might also offer other shipping options, if needed.


    You might be asked to return a defective part that is still under warranty so that HP can analyze the part and continue to improve the quality of HP notebook computers.