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Preview a print

Previewing a print on the screen allows you to check the layout of the print before printing, which may help you to avoid wasting paper and ink on a bad print.

  • To preview a print under Windows, you have the following options:

    • Use the HP Print Preview application:

      Check the Show preview before printing box, which you can find in the right bottom corner of the driver dialog. Click Print, then wait a few seconds for the HP Print Preview application to be launched.

      Check that the preview of the job is what you wanted. If so, click Print, otherwise click Cancel; you can readjust the driver settings before trying again.


      The Show preview before printing box appears in the driver dialog only if HP Print Preview is installed in your computer. See HP Print Preview.

    • Use your application's print preview option.

  • To preview a print under macOS, you have the following options:

    • Use your application's print preview option.

    • There is no Preview button at the bottom of the Print dialog box in the latest versions of macOS. A print preview is always shown at the upper left of the Print dialog box for most applications.

    • Choose the HP Print Preview option from the PDF menu at the bottom of the Print dialog box. The print preview is displayed by a separate HP Print Preview application.