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HP Designjet Printer Family - Sending or Copying Pre-Created Plot Files From DOS


A plot file is output that is created by the same software process used when data is sent directly to a printer; however, the data is output to a file name on a hard disk or floppy diskette versus a computer hardware port. This output file can then be sent to the printer at another time (or location) without having the software re-generate the information.
The plot file contains data that is formatted into the printer's language. These include Print to files such as .PRn, .PS etc.
Plotting to a file must be supported by the software being used. Refer to the software documentation or to the software vendor for information regarding the software's capability to plot to file. Note that it is also possible to use the send to FTP command to send the files.

Sending From a DOS environment

At the DOS command prompt use the COPY command.
The syntax of this command is:
Where " _ " is a space, PLOTFILENAME.EXTENSION is the name of the file with extension and the PORT is where the printer is connected.
Use the "/B" option if the plot file has graphics data or is an HP-GL/2 plot file. The "/B" option ensures that the data will be sent as is; DOS will not attempt to look at the data stream.
In order to successfully copy a file from DOS to a serial port, the RS-232-C serial cable must be correctly wired for hardware handshaking.

How to Setup the PCs Communication Port

To ensure that the PC's interface port is properly configured to communicate with the printer, use the DOS MODE command to set up the communications port on the PC prior to attempting communication.
At a DOS command prompt, do the following depending on the type of interface connection.

For a Serial Connection

  1. MODE COMx:9600,N,8,1,P
    ( Where x - COM port number, 9600 - Baud rate, N - Parity, 8 - Databits, 1 - Stopbits, P - Infinite retry)
  2. Press ENTER, and the settings should be echoed onto the screen.

For a Parallel Connection

  1. MODE LPTx:,,P
    Where x is the parallel port that is being used and P is for infinite retry.
  2. Press ENTER, and most PCs will have a message equivalent to: "resident portion of mode loaded and/or Infinite retry on parallel printer time-out"