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HP LaserJet Enterprise, HP PageWide Enterprise - USB badge reader not working, USB errors, 61.WX.YZ error, and other performance issues after waking from sleep mode


USB badge reader not working, USB errors, and other performance issues occur after the printer wakes from sleep mode when the Auto Off after sleep setting is enabled on an HP LaserJet Enterprise or HP PageWide Enterprise printer that has a USB badge reader accessory installed. The following symptoms might be seen:
  • USB badge readers not working until after the printer is rebooted
  • USB errors after the device wakes from sleep mode
  • Printer starting to sleep and then waking and initializing itself
  • Printer unexpectedly wakes from sleep or hibernate mode
  • Printer sleep or hibernate mode not working as expected
  • 61.WX.YZ error displays on the control panel of an HP PageWide Enterprise model


HP FutureSmart 4 energy-setting Auto Off after sleep is enabled by default on printers just out of box. This setting is required to meet Blue Angel and Energy Star standards which are based on the printers out-of-box hardware setup and configuration, but is not compatible with USB badge reader accessories.


Disable the Auto Off after sleep setting.
Because adding a badge reader represents a device hardware change, disabling the Auto Off after sleep setting will not impact the Blue Angel and Energy Star certification.
  1. Open the Embedded Web Server (EWS).
    Depending on the administrator settings, you might be required to sign in on the printer control panel or type the administrator credentials in the EWS.
    1. Open a web browser.
    2. Type the IP address of the printer in the url field and press Enter.
    3. Click Continue to this website....
  2. Select the General tab, and select Energy Settings from the left pane.
  3. Clear the check mark from the Auto Off after sleep checkbox, and click Apply.
    Figure : 'Auto Off after sleep' setting disabled