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HP Scitex LX Printer Family - Set the HP Internal Print Server preferences

Set the HP Internal Print Server preferences

To change the HP Internal Print Server's preferences, select Preferences from the Tools menu. In the Preferences window, you will see four tabs.
  • Units of length and temperature
  • Remarks (to add as a footer to the printed file)
  • Font of footer text
  • Printer's IP address
  • Action when job fails
  • Action when job is put on hold
  • Action when job has been printed
  • Action when job is removed from the queue
  • Maximum roll length
  • Gap between jobs
  • Margins:
    • RIP: Margins are set as defined in the RIP.
    • Center: The image is horizontally centered on the loaded substrate.
    • Default: The default margins are set to 5.0 mm. You can define the default left margin in the Job Properties window.
The above fields are to be filled in by your service representative.